Mammoth Old Dam Gin 750 mL
Mammoth Gin is created through the precise blending of six distinct flavor fractions: juniper, sage, lemon peel, orange peel, white pine and lavender. These fractions are each crafted individually by macerating and distilling the featured botanical in our own Mammoth vodka. Many of these botanicals are locally harvested, including white pine from the trees on our property, to ensure that Mammoth Gin maintains its Northern Michigan character.
Mammoth Gin is created through the precise blending of six distinct flavor fractions: juniper, sage, lemon peel, orange peel, white pine and lavender. These fractions are each crafted individually by macerating and distilling the featured botanical in our own Mammoth vodka. Many of these botanicals are locally harvested, including white pine from the trees on our property, to ensure that Mammoth Gin maintains its Northern Michigan character.