Woodford Reserve Chocolate Malted Rye Bourbon Whiskey 750 mL
Chocolate Malted Rye is crafted by roasting the rye malt to a level that its natural sugars caramelized into a dark chocolate note. This bourbon is presented at 90.4 proof, and contains a mash bill comprised of 70% corn, 15% chocolate malted rye, 15% distillers malt.
Chocolate Malted Rye is crafted by roasting the rye malt to a level that its natural sugars caramelized into a dark chocolate note. This bourbon is presented at 90.4 proof, and contains a mash bill comprised of 70% corn, 15% chocolate malted rye, 15% distillers malt.
Tasting Notes:
Nose: Soft mocha, delicate caramel and roasted nut notes mingle with hints of cedar, soft oak and a touch of fruit.
Palate: Roasted rye grain, dry cocoa nibs and dark chocolate spice up a soft mocha character atop a layer of cherry fruit and toasted oak.
Finish: Long and chocolaty.