Canadian Whisky
Canadian whisky is typically made from a blend of different grains such as rye, corn, wheat, or barley, and aged in wooden barrels made of oak or other types of wood. It is often blended with a small amount of flavoring whiskey to give it a unique taste. Canadian whisky must be produced and aged in Canada for a minimum of three years and bottled at a minimum of 40% alcohol by volume, according to Canadian law.
Lot No. 40 Canadian Rye Whisky (750 ml)
Original price $39.99 - Original price $39.99Original price$39.99$39.99 - $39.99Current price $39.99| /Gold-medal winning Lot No. 40 is one of the rare North American 100% rye whiskies. Produced by the Hiram Walker distillery in Windsor, Ontario, l...
View full detailsOriginal price $39.99 - Original price $39.99Original price$39.99$39.99 - $39.99Current price $39.99| /
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