McQueen and the Violet Fog Gin (750 ml)
Mcqueen and the Violet Fog is distilled and bottled in the hills of Jundiai, Brazil, thousands of miles away from the UK-centric tradtional gin world. It's like nothing you've seen or tasted before, distilled with 21 botanicals handpicked from all over the world.
Among their 21 botanicals are six "signature" botanicals rarely found in gin: Basil Leaves, Rosemary, Fennel Seed, Calamansi, Star Anise and Acai.
Each small batch is dstilled in a small batch tradtional copper poit still, limiting each batch to less than 500 liters per distillation. They utilize two tradtional methods to produce Mcqueen, and combine them into a single distillation process.
Method 1: Maceration
15 of their 21 botanicals are blended with a 120 proof neutral spirit in a copper pot still. The botanicals steep for 24 hours, allowing the alcohol to extract flavor compounds and essential oils.
Method 2: Vapor Infusion
The concentrated vapors pass through a copper basket with their six signature McQueen Botanicals. Essential oils from these botanicals marry with the macerated alcohol to produce the ultimate gin: ultra-smooth, complex and well-rounded.
McQueen and the Violet Fog is bottled at 80 proof (40% alc/vol.), ideal for sipping over ice or mixing.