Bumbu Rum XO (750 ml)
In Barbados, where our Original Bumbu is made, rum isn’t just another spirit. It’s the original rum island, where rum was first created some 400 years ago. Bajans have spent the last few centuries perfecting the art of distilling and blending our country’s most famous export.
At Bumbu Rum Company, we craft our rums from a blend of the finest sugarcane we can find. Our rums are exceptionally balanced and smooth, without sacrificing the richness and complexity that makes our distilleries in Barbados and Panama the world’s best – even if we’re a little biased.
Bumbu XO is a smooth, rich rum created from scratch by our master distiller.
This magnificent rum is aged in American bourbon casks and selectively finished in white oak sherry casks for a true connoisseur experience. Experience aromas of toffee, oak and vanilla with orange zest, peppery spice and a hint of coffee on the palate. Bumbu XO is a thing of beauty.