Denizen Merchant’s Reserve Rum (750 ml)
Denizen Merchant's Reserve is the first rum consisting of aged pot still rums from Jamaica and a rare component of strongly aromatic Rhum Grand Arome from Martinique, yielding a flavorful base spirit that will make cocktails shine.
The rums used in our blend have been fremented using the finest slow working yeasts, which extend the fermentation time and allow the high ester flavor compounds to fully develop and then aged 8 years in small once-used American oak bourbon barrels giving Denizen Merchant's Reserve an unparalleled level of smoothness to rival the world's best sipping rums.
Tasting Notes: Intensely aromatic and unapologetically funky, Denizen Merchant's Reserve is a deep amber colored molasses rum with a refined taste profile revealing bright fruity caramel flavors balanced by earthy notees that lead to a long smooth spicy finish.