Senor Sotol Joven (750 ml)
The sotol is distilled from the head of the Dasylirion plant, of the family Asparagaceae, known by the same name (or by the raramuris with the name of sereque) and which grows in the desert of northern Mexico.
This drink is produced in the states of Chihuahua, Durango and Coahuila. The conchos, tonos and anasazis have produced, for eight hundred years, fermented beverages from sotol, however, the drink as it is known today, occurs after the arrival of the Spaniards and their distillation equipment and methods
The descendants of early Sotol producers narrate that in the 20's and 30's, Sotol production became the main activity in many regions of the Chihuahuan desert.
During the time of the Mexican Revolution, the State persecuted the Sotoleros to destroy their production, which gave tequila, beer and other imported distillates from the opportunity to take over the market.
Since September 2002, it has had the designation of origin and a regulation in its production in Mexican territory given by the Official Mexican Standard NOM-159-SCFI-2004.