Darjeeling Gin 750 ml
Tasting Notes
The nose of Darjeeling Gin mildly exotic, with hints of earl grey tea, pecan sandies, cardamom, and cinnamon sugar. Slight hints of citrus on the edges lending a lemon flavored, sweetened tea sort of note. Really interesting, but quite inviting.
The palate is quite complex, with a lot of affects swirling about: slightly smoky, black tea leaves with a floral lavender-led and citrus undertone—grapefruit oil and lemon peel primarily. Juniper with a slight pine bent comes on early-mid to mid palate. The overall profile is incredibly aromatic as it crosses the palate. Very long finish, cardamom, black peppercorns, green tea, even a hint of something minty. The overall quality of the base spirit is quite smooth as well, with a pleasant warmth that never rises above that.
Overall, taste-wise it’s quite unique and interesting. Although juniper doesn’t come through as loudly as some of the other notes, it’s readily apparent that it is indeed a gin.
Overall, Darjeeling Gin
Darjeeling Gin is strikingly aromatic and nicely balanced, the palate is a pageant of vibrant full bodied spice, citrus zests and the comforting warmth fresh brewed tea. Fans of contemporary gins will find a versatile cocktail gin that always brings its perspective; fans of classic gins may find it pushes the envelope, but it does so in ways that respect the style’s roots. Give it a try in a Martini or Hot Toddy no matter what your gin preferences are.