Chattanooga 91 Tennessee Whiskey (750 ml)
Chattanooga Whiskey 91 is our signature Tennessee High Malt recipe - our malt-forward approach to bourbon. Selected among the first 100 barrels from our Experimental Distillery, this original "Barrel 91" recipe is comprised of at least 25% specialty malted grains and is crafted to highlight the complexity of our ingredients through each step of the process.
Made from 4 grains, including 3 select specialty malts, Tennessee High Malt starts with an attemperated 7-day fermentation. This extended process highlights both the rich, high-malt character while also adding a nuanced, fruity complexity to the spirit. After fermentation, each batch is carefully distilled at low proofs in our custom 30ft. column still before being laid to age in two types of charred & toasted oak barrels. This combination of cooperage imparts a balanced, confection-rich character to the aged whiskey, while also harmonizing with its malty-rich character.
After aging more than 2 years, Chattanooga Whiskey 91 utilizes our version of the solera finishing process - bringing together nearly 100 barrels into a 4000-gallon, charred, white oak Solera finishing barrel, which rarely goes empty.*
Tasting Notes: Butterscotch pudding, dried apricot, honeyed toast, & pound cake. Medium bodied, with a lingering, malty-sweet finish.