Blue Ice Huckleberry Vodka (750 ml)
From the snow-crested peaks of the Grand Teton Mountains, our water originates from one of the last remaining pristine water source in America. The water gathers in the Snake River Aquifer, where it naturally filters through hundreds of feet of porous volcanic rock before reaching the two-hundred foot aquifer. This pristine water is the very essence of Blue Ice Vodka. Curated with the finest Idaho potatoes and produced with the artful science of handcrafted distillation, Blue Ice Vodka is the world's highest quality potato vodka.
As the official state fruit of Idaho, the huckleberry has been called “purple gold” for its delicious taste and for its rarity. Our natural Mountain Huckleberry Flavored Vodka is blended with quality Potato Vodka for a smooth, natural flavor.
Tasting Notes:
- Nose: Ripe, plump berry notes on the nose
- Palate: A hint of tart and sweetness on the palate
- Finish: Aromatic smooth finish.