Countess Walewska Vodka 750 ml
Tasting Notes:
Neutrality is at the core of any vodka, but all fine vodka has its own personality. Maria Walewska was far from neutral, a strong and biased patriot. Our vodka has a lot of character.
Slightly sweet cocoa on the nose with a hint of brine and pepper. Clean and neutral but retains its own personality.
Starts with a subtle but sweet honey note with a noticeable creaminess, a signature of fine potato vodka. The sweetness is accentuated by a faint ocean air brine and black pepper, finishing with a smooth touch of oil and honey viscosity that lingers but does not overstay its welcome.
The Countess Maria Walewska is one of history’s great symbols of purity and loyalty. Known for her beauty and intellect, she was a fervent Polish patriot and influential during her era as she had the ear of Napoleon. The invincible Emperor’s most hard-won battle of seduction finally became his mistress, loyal to him through his decline and final exile.
The Countess graces our vodka, which represents loyalty to the traditions of the finest potato vodkas from Poland, and its purity comes from spring water sourced from our estate in Napa. The combination of these two elements creates a purely intriguing vodka to savor on its own or create influential cocktails.