Greenbar Organic Tru Vodka (750 ML)
TRU Organic Straight Vodka is distilled from American wheat and cut with water. That’s it, just two ingredients. On the nose, it’s light and clean, with mild notes of grain. Take a sip, and the mouthfeel is very light, almost like you’re drinking water. Some flavor does shine through, including sweet earthy notes and a touch of pepper, but this is largely a neutral vodka. It finishes clean and easy
TRU Organic Straight Vodka is distilled from American wheat and cut with water. That’s it, just two ingredients. On the nose, it’s light and clean, with mild notes of grain. Take a sip, and the mouthfeel is very light, almost like you’re drinking water. Some flavor does shine through, including sweet earthy notes and a touch of pepper, but this is largely a neutral vodka. It finishes clean and easy