Wild Roots Apple & Cinnamon Infused Vodka (750 ml)
In the crowded world of vodka, something was missing. There were no natural options. Artificial fruit extracts, flavors, and colors lined the shelves, and we knew something had to be done. So through our desire for naturally infused spirits, Wild Roots was born.
As natives to the Pacific Northwest, we knew there were few places in the world that produced fruit as flavorful and abundant as Oregon’s Willamette Valley. The rich soil, pure water, and exceptional climate allow the fruit to develop unparalleled taste and balance—which is crucial for creating an authentic tasting spirit.
Tasting Notes: Infused with real fruit in every bottle, this spirit tastes like sipping on fresh apple cider. The perfect blend of apple varieties and a touch of real cinnamon sticks creates an unmatched experience.
No artificial sweeteners, flavors or colors.