John J. Bowman Virginia Straight Bourbon Whiskey (750 ml)
John J. Bowman Virginia Straight Bourbon is a premium, handcrafted whiskey that embodies the rich heritage and craftsmanship of Virginia distilling. With a smooth and complex flavor profile, this bourbon is made from a carefully selected blend of grains and aged to perfection in handcrafted barrels.
The result is a deep amber spirit with notes of vanilla, caramel, oak, and a hint of spice, delivering a warm, rich finish that lingers pleasantly on the palate. Its small-batch production ensures exceptional quality and consistency in every bottle. Perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or as the base for an elevated cocktail, John J. Bowman Virginia Straight Bourbon offers a distinctive and memorable experience for bourbon enthusiasts.
Enjoy the legacy of one of Virginia's finest bourbons, where tradition meets innovation in every drop.