Laphroaig 27 Year 750 ml
Brimming with classic Islay identity, this 27 year old Laphroaig comes to you, dear whisky-lover, via a maturation process that placed a portion of the whisky in refill quarter casks and the rest first-fill bourbon barrels.
The resulting single malt Scotch whisky benefits from this method, possessing depth, character and flavour that permeates through the cask-strength bottling. The distillation occurred at Laphroaig distillery, and the spirit was bottled at 41.7% in March 2017.
Nose: A sharp tropical fruit burst is littered with macadamia nuts and suggestions of vanilla, wet ash and a sprinkling of sea-salt.
Palate: The tropical fruit opens up with soft citrus and delightful pangs of nectarines, banana and a suggestion of lychee. Sweet smoke smoulders and lingers, and jalapeños in brine give a savoury spice that white pepper cuts through beautifully. Punchy, nutty espresso and polished wood rounds it off.
Finish: Long and dry, with notes of tobacco tin, spicy oak, some citrus and a touch of leather.