Ambhar Anejo Tequila (750 ml)
AMBHAR Añejo is a delicately aged tequila, resting in premium whiskey oak barrels for over two years. The extended amount of aging produces its dark amber color and caramel-like notes. This spirit inherits unique flavors of soft and silky mixtures of vanilla and candied citrus peel. Its fuller body makes it a perfect ultra-premium tequila for sipping.
Each product is an artisanal, ultra-premium tequila, handcrafted in small batches from the finest 100% blue agave. Our batches of tequila are produced in a small distillery in Jalisco, Mexico and then hand-poured into our signature, elegant glass decanter that resemble canteens used by cowboys in the Old West. Each decanter is hand-numbered and topped off with the special AMBHAR dragonfly charm for good luck.