Blind Tiger Imperial Secrets Handcrafted Gin (750 ml)
In the seclusion of our concealed distillery, our master distiller handcrafted this smooth and lush, yet refreshing gin with three meticulously distilled imperial black teas from Assam, Cashmere & Yunnan.
Tasting Notes: The highly balanced and surprisingly smooth Blind Tiger Imperial Secrets opens with a complex nose of matured grain spirit, juniper, and spice from grains of paradise and bitter almond. On the palate, higher notes of citrus, coriander, and lemon grass bleed through, backed up by a warming glow of both the imperial black tea and the 45% alcohol grain spirit which lingers on in the aftertaste. Aroma and palate are interspersed by floral notes from the tea which play a prominent role in the grand finale.