La Luna Chino Mezcal 750ML
La Luna Chino is produced using Cupreata wild agave. All of the agaves used in this mezcal are capon, which means they were castrated and left in the field for a long time before being harvested. The agave was roasted for 168 hours, then rested for 144 hours before fermentation.
Etucuaro, Michoacan produces La Luna Mezcal. The community of Villa Madero, which is home to the Perez Escot family and Destiladora Las Azucenas, is tucked away in this hilly terrain. The Perez Escot family has been making mezcal on the same site since 1910, and they are now on their fourth generation of mezcaleros, with Isidro Perez Escot presently instructing his son Amador.