Don Camilo Extra Anejo (750 ml)
Don Camilo Extra Anejo Organic Tequila is a unique and rare Organic tequila, only 94 barrels of it are available. Aged for at least 8 years in Kentucky Bourbon barrels. The quality and taste profile are of the finest quality.
Every detail was carefully considered when crafting this tequila: the finest quality organic agave plants with the highest sugar content, the cold distillation process in order to preserve the best tequila flavors, the specially selected bourbon barrels, the 8 long years of maturation at Fabrica de Tequilas cellars under controlled humidity, and, finally, a single-barrel cask-strength bottling.
Tasting Notes: Dark brown color, full body, exceptional bouquet of exotic fruits, vanilla and oak aromas, strong firm taste, with long, yet gentle aftertaste.