The Fighting 69th Irish Whiskey (750 ml)
The fighting 69th has long celebrated its Irish heritage, and in this tradition, we bring you their first Irish Whiskey. In the 19th century, Irish whiskey was the most popular spirit in the world, and today, it is the fastest growing whiskey category in the world. This fine whiskey is a tribute to the Irish-American spirit and a perfect tribute to America’s own Irish Brigade!
Tasting Notes:
Color: Golden Honey
Nose: The nose is very sweet with notes of honey and fresh fruit such as apricot, green apple, and pear. There are also notes of caramel and vanilla. A touch of ethanol is present on the nose, but this is a very inviting whiskey.
Palate: The whiskey has a low viscosity but is very approachable and drinkable. Notes of honey, green apple, and pear show up first and pair nicely with the traditional Irish Whiskey flavor that comes from the pot stills.
Finish: The finish is light but medium in length with notes of honey and a touch of cinnamon spice. You still get that traditional pot still flavor with a lot of sweet notes such as caramel that you would more associate with a bourbon as the whiskey travels down your throat.