Germain Robin Brandy (750 ml)
We began as the unlikely union of two creative minds: Ansley Coale, a professor driving along a Northern California highway, and Hubert Germain-Robin, a hitchhiking Cognac distiller. The two created Germain-Robin, the first California Brandy that broke free from the constraints of Cognac. They crafted their brandy with traditional alembic Cognac stills, but using unconventional, flavorful and complex California wine grapes. Embracing the rich tradition of hand-distillation while harnessing the potential of California wine, we set a new standard of excellence in brandy that has been recognized worldwide. Germain-Robin continues that tradition today – advancing the art of fine California Brandy into a new era.
Tasting Notes: A scent of oak spice and fruit greets Germain-Robin. Apple and pear flavors are delicately enhanced with honeysuckle and cherry blossom, resulting in a rich apricot and peach flavor. Light cinnamon and brown sugar nuances come from well-integrated toasted wood. This balanced blend's rich full mouthfeel remains after the finish.