High West Rendezvous Rye Whiskey (375 ml)
High West Rendezvous Whiskey is a blend of straight rye whiskeys with a unique botanical and spice character. A purposeful blend of column- and pot-still whiskeys, this 750 mL bottle of whiskey never is chill-filtered and is aged in charred American white oak barrels. This process gives this blended whiskey a high rye mash bill and uncompromising flavor. Notes of cinnamon, dried cherries, vanilla, caramel, toasted walnuts, and candied fruit pair with a balanced body that makes this very spicy, 92 proof American whiskey perfect in a classic Manhattan cocktail and other whiskey drinks. Or enjoy this cinnamon whiskey straight up; each sip delivers flavors of clove and vanilla with a lingering ginger finish complemented by fragrant spices.
Tasting Notes:
- Nose: Poached pear, bitter orange, ground ginger, lavender, wet sandalwood, tanned leather on a well-used wooden work bench
- Palate: Persimmon, dried apricot, snickerdoodle, ginger chews, walnut sauce, spiced caramels in a cedar gift box