Smirnoff Spicy Tamarind Vodka (750 mL)
Smirnoff Spicy Tamarind Vodka is perfect for a tangy punch to a classic cocktail. Try in a bloody Mary, with fresh tomato juice, squeezed lime, shaved ginger, and a Cajun-rimmed glass. Tamarind is especially popular in the Mexican and Latin regions, paired with sugar, this spice makes a unique, mouth-puckering sweet and sour experience.
This Smirnoff Spicy Tamarind vodka, will make a perfect sweet-and-sour combo. A martini with Smirnoff Spicy tamarind Vodka, Meyer lemon juice, simple syrup, and a splash of Cointreau orange liqueur pops on your taste buds and start your night off right.