Standard Wormwood Gin 750 mL
Influenced heavily by the old Dutch style Gins that are distilled to give a unique sipping experience, we start from a rich whiskey base instead of a neutral spirit (Vodka) like most London and American Dry Gins.
With fresh botanicals and herbs in the column of our still, we vapour infuse a distinct botanical character along with velvety wormwood undertones for a deeper floral atmosphere of orris root, rosehip, coriander, and lemon peel to balance the bright juniper notes. More so there's a hint of juniper on the nose than on the taste, a round body carries notes of toasted sunflower nuttiness and gives way to a spicy finish from grains of paradise for a layered complexity. This is a gin that can be enjoyed straight or on the rocks, and gives a unique twist to classic cocktails like a lemon Martini, Negroni, or a Gin Sazerac.