Stella Rosa Cranberry (750 ml)
Stella Rosa Berry is easily identifiable by its vibrant purple foil cap. This wine, Stella Rosa Berry, has a proud prominence of strawberry, raspberry, and other assorted berries. Chocolate and fresh fruit are the best treats to enjoy with Stella Rosa Berry, but cheese, desserts, spicy cuisine, and fresh salads are also excellent contenders. With a low alcohol level of only 5.5% and 9% residual sugar, Stella Rosa Berry is a great tasting wine that is easy to drink and enjoy.
The various grapes that give Stella Rosa Berry a vibrant magenta color and characteristic are harvested in the Italian countryside. The unique flavor and aromas of Stella Rosa Berry are also from the addition of natural wild strawberries and blackberries. Fermentation occurs in charmat-style, pressurized tanks at various intervals throughout the year, allowing the alcohol, carbonation, and sweetness to reach their desired levels