Tanglin Black Powder Gin (750 ml)
Our navy strength gin is a punchy 58% ABV, making it an ideal gin for your cocktails, but still super smooth for sipping. Any navy strength gin has to be above 57% ABV, the strength at which gin drenched gunpowder still ignites when lit. Rest-assured this award-winner has no rough edges and is creamy smooth.
Our Black Powder recipe departs from our Orchid Gin in two ways: half the juniper pods are bruised and whole fresh lemons are added into the botanical blend for a bright citrus note.
Tasting Notes: Gentle citrus nose with a bold Juniper character and pepper note. This gin has distinct umami with a depth of flavour and a slight sweetness and warmth. Peppery herbal notes for a long and lingering finish that is gentle and smooth.