The Bitter Truth Pink Gin Spiced Navy Gin (750 ml)
The tradition of blending gin and bitters was first established by members of the Royal Navy to cure seasickness, and Pink Gin started life as a seafarers breakfast, drunk to rally a man against the wiles of the ocean. The Bitter Truth Pink Gin is a delicious blend of traditionally crafted gin and a blend of bitters. This minx is not just a common gin with a fake tan; it’s a sophisticated metrosexual in a salmon jumper.
It begins with a Mediterranean bouquet on the nose, with aromatic juniper, fresh lemons, and warm spices. Wonderfully gentle in the mouth, juniper berries are still at the helm, but these notes are supported by a crew of fresh spice flavors like licorice, caraway, and fennel, which cruise to a smooth whirlpool finish.
The Bitter Truth Pink Gin was created to please the taste of modern gin drinkers with a soft and gentle mouthfeel and fine complex flavors. It is best used on its own, as a Gin & Tonic, in your favorite Martini Cocktail or in any other gin-based cocktail.
Tasting Notes: Complex fruity and floral aromas dominate the nose of this flavored gin. The taste is smooth with distinctive flavors of juniper berries in the foreground surrounded by spicy flavors of licorice, caraway, and fennel.