The Irishman Irish Cream Liqueur (750 ml)
Produced in Ireland, this award winning Irish Cream Liqueur is handcrafted using the finest Irish Whiskey, 100% Irish Dairy Cream and natural vanilla flavour with a hint of toffee.
It is a unique tasting, high quality Irish Cream Liqueur which brings together a great tradition of fine quality Irish Dairy production with even finer Irish Whiskey. This is a recreation of the original Irish Cream Liqueurs using the age old recipe. The Irishman is one of only a handful of Irish Creams using 100% Irish Whiskey.
The fact that cream liqueurs originated in Ireland is no coincidence – since Ireland has a great tradition in producing fine quality dairy products as well as distilling spirits. The combination of both of these two traditions brings us a high quality Irish Cream that has been proven to be the ultimate in luxury, the finest Irish Whiskey blended with real dairy cream. Truly a taste sensation.