Asahikawa Fujimi Japanese Gin (750 ml)
The island of Hokkaido, located in the north of Japan, is famous for its unspoiled natural beauty, vast wilderness and culinary richness. At the heart of the island is the town of Asahikawa, known for its renowned distillery that produces Etsu Orignal, and Etsu Pacific Ocean Water gins.
The proximity of the Taisetsu mountain provides a supply of exceptionally pure water that brings freshness and delicacy to our recipes.
This distillery pays particular attention to detail, meticulous work and respect for nature, reflecting the spirit of the Hokkaido region. The ingredients used to make Etsu Gins, such as yuzu, angelica root, coriander seeds and the deep waters of the Pacific Ocean, are all carefully selected to create exceptional and authentic gins.
Discover the unique taste of Hokkaido through Etsu Orignal and Etsu Pacific Ocean Water gins, produced in this beautiful and unspoiled region.”