Garrison Brothers Texas Straight Bourbon Whiskey (750 ml)
Enjoying a bottle of Small Batch is an experience unlike any other. It’s everything rich and good about bourbon, without the bite. Our bourbon is amber-crimson like a Texas sunset, darker, richer, and fuller than almost any other bourbon on the market.
We don’t source whiskey from elsewhere and we never will. Our bourbon is made – from corn-to-cork – in Hye, Texas, one barrel at a time. It’s handcrafted from a sweet mash of premium, #1 food-grade corn, soft red winter wheat from local farms, and two row barley.
Tasting Notes:
- Nose: Pine honey, butterschotch, cloves, shaved oak, tobacco, toasted oak, vanilla, white flowers.
- Palate: Candied orange, maple syrup, caramelized sugar, cinnamon, oak spices, chocolate. oak smoke. White peppers with young dates.
- Finish: Medium long, warm, corn porridge, baking spices, apple pie.