Penderyn Celt 750 ml
"The nose is fresh and fruity - apples and pears mainly. Lots of vanilla also. A mild aroma of peat smoke and brine envelops the sweetness but only appears after a moment, along with earthy and oily notes. On the palate, the influence of the peated casks is more apparent with an oily smoke and elegant spices (ginger and cinnamon). After a moment, blueberries and strawberries show up as apparitions, taming the peat smoke, making it secondary. The finish is long and oily but surprisingly fresh. "
Penderyn is the first distillery in Wales in more than a century, picking up on a whisky-making tradition that dates back to the middle ages. Along with the Legend and Myth, the Celt is part of the brand's "Welsh Dragon" range of 41% ABV expressions (versus their signature 46%). It departs from the distillery's house-style of ex-bourbon cask maturation combined with ex-Madeira wine cask-finishing. This malt is finished in ex-peated Scotch casks instead of ex-Madeira wine casks to add a new dimension to the whisky. The whisky is non-chill filtered and bottled at 41% ABV. Note: This is not currently available in the US.