Powers Three Swallow Release Irish Whiskey (750 ml)
Powers Three Swallow is a single pot still whiskey made from a mix of unmalted and malted barley. It is aged in American oak ex-bourbon barrels and finishes its maturation in oloroso sherry casks. Three Swallow bears no age statement and is bottled at 80 proof. As of October 2018, this product is available in the US.
Tasting Notes:
- Nose: Pot Still spice combines with crisp barley character. Delicate herbs give way to green banana and grapefruit while a nutty note of marzipan reflects the wood contribution of specially selected casks.
- Palate: In true Pot Still style, an initial taste delivers smooth mouth-coating barley followed by an eruption of green apple and citrus notes. Herbs and spicy avour are complemented by a touch of cedar wood for extra complexity.
- Finish: Spicy sweetness gives way to Pot Still barley character balanced with a hint of sherry and leading to a crisp cereal finish with toasted oak notes.